Conducting research and evaluation studies has been an important component of PIACT Bangladesh since its inception in 1980. PIACT Bangladesh started its journey in 1980 based on two major pillars: research and communication on population issues, contraceptive safety, mother and child nutrition& health. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed in undertaking the research and evaluation studies. It also conduced operations research and experimental studies on micronutrients, mother and child nutrition and FP-MCH logistics management. The qualitative studies were mainly on understanding and perception of the community/target groups of specific programs, identification of the barriers in practices by the target groups and understanding/explaining the program impact and constraints. The methods used were FGD, PRA, observation and in-depth interview including exit interviews and in-disguise interviews. So far PIACT Bangladesh conducted over 103 research and evaluation studies which are presented below:


List of Research and Evaluation Studies Conducted by PIACT Bangladesh 

[ Period of 1980 to 2023]


Name of the study
Name of client
  Health Aspects
1. Health systems preparedness for responding to the growing burden of hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus and their risk factors: a facility-based survey among different tires of health care provider in Bangladesh Non Communicable Disease Control Programme, Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) 2023
2. Survey on Challenges and Opportunities of AMC Education and Services Unani System of Medicine Situation Analysis Alternative Medical Care (AMC), Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) 2023
3. Survey Percentage of pts taking AMC services Female & Child diseases (Leucorrhea, DUB, Pneumonia etc.) Homeopathic System of Medicine Alternative Medical Care (AMC), Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) 2022
4. Survey on % of Pts taking AMC services of NCDs (HTN, NIDDM) Unani, Ayurvedic & Homeopathic System of Medicine Alternative Medical Care (AMC), Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) 2021
5. Survey on patients received AMC services of OPD Pts at the selected MCH, DH & UHC in Unani, Ayurvedic & Homeopathic System of Medicine Alternative Medical Care (AMC), Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) 2021
6. Survey on Percentage (%) of Pts taking AMC Services in case of Hepatitis by Homeopathic System of Medicine Alternative Medical Care (AMC), Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) 2020
7. Survey on Tobacco use (smoking & smokeless), betel quid dependency among rural population in Bangladesh Non Communicable Disease Control Programme, Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) 2019
8. A Survey on Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) the Persons with Disabilities Due to NCDs Non-Communicable Disease Control Programme, Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) 2018
9. ARI and CDD Household Survey 1997 UNICEF 1998
10. Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 1997-98  UNICEF 1998
11. Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 1996-1997 UNICEF 1997
12. A Qualitative Study on Diarrhoeal Diseases in Bangladesh UNICEF 1993
13. An Evaluation on Study of Health and Human Resource Development Programs of the Australian Baptist Missionary Society in Bangladesh Australian Baptist Missionary Society in Bangladesh 1990
2. Population and Reproductive Health
1. Assessing Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Blue Star, Green Star and Pink Star Providers of SMC Social Marketing Company (SMC) 2021
2. Assess Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of the Adolescents towards Adolescent Reproductive Health Service NIPORT 2014
3. Evaluation of the project “Strengthening of Population Activities Through Rural Mothers’ Center (Phase-V)” Department of Social Services (DSS) 1999
4. A Survey on Knowledge, Attitude and Beliefs about Population and Related Issues  NCTB/UNFPA 1998
5. Operations Research on NGO-Efforts to Increase Contraceptive Use Among Newlyweds and Low-Parity Couples  The Pathfinder International 1995
6. Survey of Current Contraceptive Users Who Use Pharmacies as Sources of Supply ICDDR,B 1995
7. Survey of Pharmacies and Pharmacy Staff ICDDR,B 1995
8. Focus Group Discussions with Newlywed and Low-parity Men and Women ICDDR,B 1995
9. Evaluation of Management and Implementation Aspects of Multi-sectoral Population Programs IMED/Ministry of Planning 1994
10. Evaluation of Family Planning Depot Holder Program Directorate of Family Planning 1994
11. An Evaluation Study on Pharmacists Training Program  Social Marketing Company 1993
12. Study of Use-Effectiveness of Oral Pills and Condoms Social Marketing Company/USAID 1986
13. A Qualitative Study to Understand the Role of Village Doctors in Family Planning Services The Population Council 1986
14. A Study of Motivational and Referral Fee System Under Population Control Program The World Bank 1984
15. Complications and Use-Effectiveness of Pill in two Areas of Rural Bangladesh The Ford Foundation 1984
16. Use Effectiveness of Oral Pill Between two Delivery System: Clinic Vs. Field Worker The Ford Foundation 1984
17. Prospective Study of Complications and Deaths from Sterilization Procedures The Ford Foundation 1984
18. After Effects of Contraceptive Sterilization in Rural Bangladesh The Ford Foundation 1984
19. IUD Complications and Use-Effectiveness in Rural Bangladesh The Ford Foundation 1984
20. A Prospective Study of IUD in Dhaka City The Ford Foundation 1984
21. A Study on Menstrual Regulation Programme in two Clinics The Ford Foundation 1984
22. Evaluation of Support Materials for Vasectomy BAVS 1983
23. Comparative Study of Regular Dose and Low Dose Oral Contraceptives in Rural Bangladesh (Noriday Vs. Brevicon) PATH International 1980
24. Comparative Study of Regular Dose and Low Dose Oral Contraceptive in the Urban Areas of Bangladesh (C-5 Vs. Microgynon) PATH International 1980
35. Assessment of SMC funded GSM Activities Social Marketing Company (SMC) 2022
3. MCH and Nutrition
1. Safe Motherhood Situation Analysis and Development of Action Plan for Safe Motherhood Practices CIDA 2003
2. Safe Motherhood Situation in Sylhet Division  CIDA 1999
3. Involving Private Non-qualified Rural Medical Practitioners (RMPs) in Reproductive Health Services in Rural Areas  The Population Council 1997
4. A Study of the Impact of Zinc Supplementation in Malnourished Bangladeshi Children  Bangladesh National Nutrition Council (BNNC) 1997
5. Identification of Key Components for Establishment of Successful Breastfeeding in Primary Health Care System CIDA 1996
6. Evaluation of the Activities (MCH, Education Related) of Bangladesh Lutheran Mission-Finnish (BLM-F) Bangladesh Lutheran Mission-Finnish 1994
7. A Study for Documentation of Profile (Nutrition and Health Aspect) for Faridpur District UNICEF 1993
8. A Nutrition Education Intervention in a Rural Area  IPHN/CIDA 1992
9. Evaluation of Religious Leaders’ Training Program on FP-MCH NIPORT 1991
10. A Qualitative Study to Assess Pre- and Post-natal Care IDRC, Canada 1988
11. Maternal Mortality: A Study of two Upazilas in Bangladesh The Ford Foundation 1984
12. Use of Traditional Birth Attendants for Monitoring Maternal and Neonatal Mortality The Ford Foundation 1984
13. A Prospective Study of IUD in Dhaka City The Ford Foundation 1984
14. A Retrospective Study on Complications in MR-AN Investigation of Socio-Cultural Causes The Ford Foundation 1984
15. Evaluation of the national IUD program USAID 1984
4. HIV/AIDS/STD Program
1. End Line Survey (Behaviour) on Continuation of the Prioritized HIV Prevention Services among key Population in Bangladesh funded by the Global Fund AIDS/STD Programme (ASP),

Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS)

2. Condom Use Dynamics in Brothel Situation PIACT Bangladesh 2015
3. Prevention of HIV among Bonded Sex Workers through Establishing Human Rights PIACT Bangladesh/ Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF)    2013
4. Prevention of HIV through Capacity Building of Sex Workers PIACT Bangladesh/ Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF)    2011
5. Post-Intervention Audience Impact Survey for Youth and Adolescents on HIV/AIDS Save the Children in Bangladesh 2006
6. Pre-Intervention Audience Impact Survey for Youth and Adolescents on HIV/AIDS Save the Children in Bangladesh 2005
7. Needs Assessment Study on Integrating HIV/AIDS into Secondary School and College Curriculum as well as Dissemination of Developed Materials Save the Children in Bangladesh 2005
8. A Rapid Assessment of Health Seeking Behaviors in Relation to Sexually Transmitted Disease WHO, Geneva 1997
5. Human Rights
1. A Rapid Assessment on the Sex Workers and their Children in Daulatdia Brothel on Selected Indicators  PIACT Bangladesh 2014
2. Mid-term Evaluation for the Project  Establishing Basic Human Rights of Commercial Sex Workers  and Protect them from Oppression and Exploitation PIACT Bangladesh/ Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) 2012
3. A Survey on Socially Disadvantaged Women (SDW) & their Children Living in the Brothel Communities of Narayanganj, Mymensingh, Jashore and Daulatdia Ghat of Rajbari District  Department of Social Services (DSS) 1999
6. Drug Prevention
1. Follow up study of Peer Orientation Sessions with Adolescents and Youths under Drug Resistance Education (DRE) Program PIACT Bangladesh/Save the Children in Bangladesh 2013
2. Needs Assessment study on Drug Resistance Education (DRE) Save the Children in Bangladesh 2009
3. Evaluation of Master Trainers’ Training on Drug Resistance Education (DRE) Program Save the Children in Bangladesh 2009
4. Evaluation of Advocacy Workshop with Local Level Gatekeepers on Drug Resistance Education (DRE) Program Save the Children in Bangladesh 2009
5. Evaluation of Advocacy Workshop with Pharmacists on Drug Resistance Education (DRE) Program Save the Children in Bangladesh 2009
6. Evaluation of Peer Educators’ Training on Drug Resistance Education (DRE) Program Save the Children in Bangladesh 2009
7. Education
1. Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses of Proxy Means Testing (PMT) Booth Operations 2010 SEQAEP, Directorate of Secondary & Higher Education 2011
2. An Assessment of Impact of Population Education  UNFPA 2001
3 A Study on Assessment of Female School Teachers in Selected Secondary Schools  PROMOTE 1998
4. Rapid Situation Analysis  for the Project  Establishing Basic Human Rights of Commercial Sex Workers  and Protect them from Oppression and Exploitation PIACT Bangladesh 2017
8. Logistics Management
1. Physical Inventory 2000 of Family Planning and Maternal Child Health Commodities  DELIVER Bangladesh/JSI 2000
2. 1999 Stock Level Survey  DELIVER Bangladesh/JSI 1999
3. Health Sector Study of the Urban Industrial Workers in Bangladesh  John Snow Inc. (JSI) 1998
4. A Rapid Study to Assess the Contraceptive Supply Situation of NIPHP NGOs  DELIVER Bangladesh/JSI 1998
5. 1996 Stock Level Survey  DELIVER Bangladesh/JSI 1996
6. An Investigation of Alternative Approaches to Contraceptive Logistics Management at Peripheral Level The Population Council 1995
7. Continuous Physical Inventory of Family Planning and Maternal Child Health Commodities  DELIVER Bangladesh/JSI 1995
8. 1994 Stock Level Survey DELIVER Bangladesh/JSI 1994
9. Market Research
1. Price Survey and Assessment of the Impact of Proposed Price Increase on Low Income People Social Marketing Company 1990
2. In-depth Interviews for Assessment of Comprehensibility and Acceptability of Radio Messages on ORT Social Marketing Company 1989
3. A Study on Repositioning of Majestic Condom Social Marketing Company 1988
4. Baseline Retail Audit on Condom in Commercial Sex Establishments (CSEs)  Social Marketing Company 1996
10. Communication Research 
1. Baseline Study of Social Marketing Project of SEIP Skills Enhancement and Improvement Program (SEIP), Finance Division, Ministry of Finance 2017
2. A Study on Visual Literacy Johns Hopkins University -Population Communication Services 1989
3. Evaluation of Consumer Education Materials to Improve Drug Compliance in Bangladesh PATH International 1989
4. Formative Research to Aid Communication Development for Promotion of Vitamin-A Rich Foods and Capsules Helen Killer International (HKI) 1988
5. Content Analysis of Family Planning Messages Directorate of Family Planning 1988
6. Motivational Factors that Determine Non-use of Contraceptives Directorate of Family Planning 1984
7. A Retrospective Study on Complications in MR-an Investigation of Socio-Cultural Causes  The Ford Foundation 1984
8. Evaluation of Support Materials for Oral Contraceptives PATH International 1983
9. Needs Assessment of Social Marketing Project of Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP), Finance Division, Ministry of Finance 2016
11. Miscellaneous
1. Baseline Survey for the 7th Country Program Action Plan (CPAP) 2006-2010, funded by UNFPA  UNFPA 2006
2. Mid-Term Evaluation of the NGO MIS Capacity Development Project BRAC 1997
3. Evaluation of Mother and Child Survival Fortnight (MCSF)  The Population Council 1995
4. An In-depth Review of the Three Women’s Programs  CIDA 1993
5. Baseline Survey on Women’s Vocational Training for Population Activities Department of Women’s Affairs 1992
6. An Evaluation of the Past Activities of BAVS and Indication of Its Future Course of Action BAVS 1991
7. Evaluation of a Refreshers Training Course of FWAs Imparted by BRAC BRAC 1990
8. Feasibility Study for Local Production of Contraceptive in Bangladesh PATH International 1982